- we have to be optimist
- we must not be pessimist
- the world depends on our view of thinking
- we must not be unsure with our selves
- even though our cash flow in our business is critical it does not mean that we have to give up
- don't through your towel in the ringside
- we must face the reality in life
- the ups and downs in this life cycle including the cash flow of this law firm is normal
- event a big country like the USA is suffering Economic Crisis
- there was a packet of around USD 732 billion that was being injected to stimulate its cash flows
- Thus, if we are positive with our selves than at least we can control our mind and body
- this law firm is operated by a human being
- thus this human being which happens to be me as the Partner must have a good and positive attitude
- we must not be quitter
- we must not be losers
- we have to be rich with ideas and positive ideas
- as long as we are alive there are plenty of energies that lies within yourself which was being built in by the Creator in our soul and body and mind
- we must not surrender
- as long as we are still given breath by the All Mighty it means that there is still hope for us to survive and leave
- thus i have to consolidate myself to keep on moving
- the significant point is that you have manage you mind, body soul and spirit
- Keep you spirit high
- the continuity of the vehicle or institution that we built, depends on your high spirit and willingness to survive
- Don't look at others but look at your self
- the hero and spirit is within yourself
- you must find it within yourself
- there is not other way but start looking and focus on your inner strenght
- since it is already built in by the Creator inside our self
Agung Supomo Suleiman
Senior Partner
Law Firm Suleiman Agung & CO
Blog Law Firm : http://www.sacolaw.blogspot.com
Email : agungsuleiman@gmail.com
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