Bismillahi Rahmanirahim,
Hi Muslim Brothers and other respectful kind readers of this Blog, long time no see. Without realizing it has been more than 18 Years that the Writer of this AgungSS Spiritual Blog
chooses to be self-employed as an Independent Business Lawyer starting when he was given the age of around 46 Years Old going to 47 Years Old by ALLAH Subhana huwataala (S.W.T,) to live and allowed being as one of the many living human being created by ALLAH in this Beautiful and Wonderful World created by ALLAH alone without needing any partners whomsoever as recited in many verses in the Holy Book Al Quran.
We have to always Dzikurullah or always remember ALLAH by praising ALLAH among others by saying ALHAMDULILLAH meaning All Praises to ALLAH, SUBHANALLAH, meaning ALLAH is Most Purify, and ALLAHU AKBAR meaning ALLAH is the MOST GREAT.
We have to always Dzikurullah or always remember ALLAH by praising ALLAH among others by saying ALHAMDULILLAH meaning All Praises to ALLAH, SUBHANALLAH, meaning ALLAH is Most Purify, and ALLAHU AKBAR meaning ALLAH is the MOST GREAT.
As a normal human being, we cannot avoid making mistakes, in our life journey, since based on ALLAH's saying in the Holy Book of AL Quran, Surah Asy-Syams Verses 7 and 8 ALLAH has granted both potential inspiration built in Every Human (Soul) Being created by ALLAH ....:
" wa nafsin wama sawwaha, fa alhamaha fujuroha wa taqwa " meaning..."
"...And Nafs (soul) and Him Who perfected him in proportion, ALLAH had inspired or showed to him/her what is wrong (wickedness) and whats is right (righteous).
We have to balance our inner-self, by controlling our mind, feelings, body, including our spiritual emotions.Based on the above basic information, given by ALLAH who had created this world, life including all the human being, we have to manage and control ourselves not to be greedy and selfish.
For us as Muslims, we have to build our "faith or iman", by always and every single time "remembering ALLAH" who had created us with the above 2 potential elements of inspirations namely Positive (Righteous) "Taqwa" and Negative (Wickedness) "Fujuroha" built in our Soul.
For as long as we live, there will always be a "Tug of War" between Wickedness and Righteous in our inner-self.
We must always ask ALLAH to guide us and protect us from the whispering of Syaitan, who is declared by ALLAH in the Holy Book AL Quran, as the Real Enemy in our Life.
Syaitan's was rejecting ALLAH's order to be bow Adam, who was created by ALLAH from clay.
Syaitan claims that since Syaitan was created by ALLAH from Fire, Syaitan claim to have a more higher hierarchic than Adam.We have Copy and Cut Paste from :
Sahih International
And We have certainly created you, [O Mankind], and given you [human] form. Then We said to the angels, "Prostrate to Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He was not of those who prostrated.
Sahih International
[Allah] said, "What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?" [Satan] said, "I am better than him. You created me from fire and created him from clay."
Agung Supomo Suleiman